Logotipo Manuel Pardo - Barcelona

Legal notice


www.manuel-pardo.com is an Internet domain whose owner is the company MP FASHION 2020, S. L, VAT B67541771, address Calle Pau Claris 156-1o, 08009, Barcelona.

The goal of MANUEL PARDO with this website is to promote their products online, provide information of interest to WEB users about MANUEL PARDO and thank them for buying in the WEB and for their loyalty.

Through the website www.manuel-pardo.com the user will be informed of news regarding the brand and events related to their products.

Likewise, users who provide their data through a form on the website www.manuel-pardo.com may also receive, with prior express consent, information about other activities and promotions of the company through their e-mail address, newsletter or mobile phone number. 



These general conditions regulate the operation of the service of the Website www.manuel-pardo.com, MANUEL PARDO makes them available to the user.

The use of the Website attributes the condition of user, and implies that the user needs  to consent to full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions.

If the user does not agree with the General Conditions, he will not have the right to use the site www.manuel-pardo.com. Likewise, the use of the services of MANUEL PARDO presupposes the acceptance of these General Conditions. 

Some of the services of the Website www.manuel-pardo.com are regulated by some Particular Conditions. These Particular Conditions complete the General Conditions, or substitute them, as the case may be.

The content of the Particular Conditions will be provided to the user at the moment they access a specific service, requesting a prior reading of the General and Particular Conditions, as well as proof of their acceptance 



The service of the Website by MANUEL PARDO is free. 



MANUEL PARDO reserves the right to modify without prior notice and form the presentation or configuration of the Website, as well as the services, General and Particular Conditions. These modifications will be to improve user services and update content. 



The user agrees to use the Website, content and services in accordance with the law and these General Conditions, the Particular Conditions, good manners and public order. In the same way, the user undertakes not to use the Website and services offered for illicit purposes or effects, contrary to the content of these General Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way to damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the Website or services or prevent normal use or enjoyment of the Website by other users. 

The user must not use this Website to obtain “information, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material accessible through the Website or services” for using it in other ways they are not expressly authorised. 

The user must refrain from manipulating identifying data of MANUEL PARDO and the services offered in the WEB space www.manuel-pardo.com.
All the contents on this Website, including, without limitation, images and photographs, industrial designs, and distinctive signs are the property of MANUEL PARDO being protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property regulations, in accordance with the registries that operate in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, World Intellectual Property Organisation, Office of Harmonisation of the Internal Market, and the Intellectual Property Registry cannot be modified, copied, altered, transformed, reproduced, adapted or translation by third parties without the express authorisation by the aforementioned owner, including its exploitation, dissemination, distribution, transmission, subsequent publication, exhibition, public communication, total or partial. If this occurs, it will constitute infringement of property rights and may be sanctioned by current legislation.

The user must refrain from providing their own data, identifying themselves that do not allow a correct identification. 

The user must refrain from manipulating the technical protection of contents or information, and in general configuration of the WEB space www.manuel-pardo.com.

MANUEL PARDO reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the Website www.manuel-pardo.com, at any time and without prior notice, to those users who fail to comply with these General Conditions or the Particular Conditions of contract resulting from the application in every moment. Likewise, MANUEL PARDO, without prior notice, may refuse access or cancel it to those users who attempt against the rights and interests of third parties, or who in any way may damage, disable, overburden or damage the Website or services or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Website by other users. 



Whenever the user provides his or her personal data to MANUEL PARDO, he or she consents to the treatment of such data in the terms detailed below.
MANUEL PARDO will process and incorporate the data provided by the user into files, with the sole and exclusive purpose of being able to provide and offer and process the respective services provided on the WEBSITE www.manuel-pardo.com.

In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 on the Protection of Personal Data, the data collected in the forms will only be used for the purpose described therein. In the future, we may communicate such data for advertising purposes.

In this case, MANUEL PARDO will request the pertinent consent from the user and the purpose will be explained.

If the user does not wish to receive information about the services or wishes to exercise his/her rights of access, rectification and cancellation contained in said file, please inform us at the following postal address: MANUEL PARDO; Calle Pau Claris 156 1-1, 08009 Barcelona or at the following e-mail address: info@manuel-pardo.com.

If the user wishes to receive information about other MANUEL PARDO services, please let us know by sending an e-mail to the following address: info@manuel-pardo.com.

The user gives his consent for his data to be communicated to third companies for the fulfilment of purposes directly related to the legitimate functions of MANUEL PARDO.

Likewise, the user gives his/her consent for MANUEL PARDO to transfer his/her data to the addressees under the terms and conditions indicated above, to any country in the world.

MANUEL PARDO guarantees that it will treat your personal data confidentially, as well as that the server on which the data will be stored and processed has the necessary security measures to prevent access to said data by unauthorised third parties.



MANUEL PARDO does not control or guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.

MANUEL PARDO excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system, electronic documents or files of users. 

MANUEL PARDO will do everything possible to guarantee the security of the information that is provided by the users. However, it cannot guarantee that the transmission of information is totally secure.

Without prejudice to the security levels of protection of personal data legally required, the installation of all means and technical measures available to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data provided, the user knows that security in the Internet environment can not be guaranteed one hundred percent.

MANUEL PARDO excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the contents of the Website www.manuel-pardo.com. 



All the contents of the Website www.manuel-pardo.com are the exclusive and worldwide property of MANUEL PARDO including, without limitation, graphic design, logos, images, texts, dialogues, illustrations, photographs, audiovisuals, trailers, music, trademarks and other signs, distinctive, in any of the programming languages used or usable, as well as all the operating software and development of the Website.

The reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, assignment and any other act or mode of exploitation that has not been expressly authorised by the owner of the exploitation rights are expressly prohibited.

MANUEL PARDO does not grant any license or authorisation of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property rights or on any other property or right related to the Website, and the services offered. 

All trademarks and service names appearing on the www.manuel-pardo.com Website are registered trademarks and property of MANUEL PARDO.

The rest of the distinctive signs are signs previously licensed by their legitimate holders to MANUEL PARDO. 



The Website often provides technical link devices (links, banners or buttons), directories and search tools that allow users to access Websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties. MANUEL PARDO does not offer or market by itself or through third parties the services available on the linked sites, nor does it control, exercise surveillance or approve the products, services, content, information, data, files and any other kind of material on those sites linked. 

Therefore, MANUEL PARDO declines any responsibility regarding the information that is outside this Website and not managed by www.manuel-pardo.com. The function of the links that appear is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand the information offered on this Website. These links do not suppose a suggestion, invitation or recommendation for the visit of the places of destiny, and for that reason, MANUEL PARDO will not be responsible for the result obtained through such hypertext links. 



In the case of controversy derived from the existence or content of these general conditions or the relations between the user and MANUEL PARDO, both parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Barcelona.


Cookies policy


A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any WEB page.

Its usefulness is that the WEB is able to remember your visit when you return to this page. Cookies often store technical information, personal preferences, content personalisation, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc.

The purpose of the cookie is to adapt the content of the WEB to your profile and needs. Without cookies, services offered by any page will be diminished significantly.

To see more information on what are cookies, what do they store, how to delete them, disable them etc, please see below.


Cookies used on this Website

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency we detail the use of cookies this Website uses in order to inform you with the maximum possible accuracy.

This site uses its own cookies

Session cookies to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. Thus combat spam. 

This Website uses the following third-party cookies

  • Google Analytics: Stores cookies to compile statistics on traffic and volume of visits of this site. By using this Website you allow the processing of data about you by Google. Therefore, the exercise of any rights in this regard must do so communicating directly with Google. 
  • Social networks: Each social network uses its own cookies for you to click on buttons Like or Share.
  • Youtube: For the visualisation of videos on the WEB.


Disabling or removing cookies 

At any time you may exercise your right to disable or delete cookies from this Website. These actions are performed differently depending on the browser you are using.

Additional notes 

Neither this Website nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content or the veracity of the privacy policies that may have the third parties mentioned on this policy of cookies. 

WEB browsers are responsible for storing tools cookies and from this place should carry their right to removal or disabling them.

Neither this Website nor their legal representatives can ensure the correct or incorrect handling of cookies by the browsers mentioned. 

  • In some cases it is necessary to install the browser cookies to remember your decision not to accept them. 
  • In the case of cookies from Google Analytics, the company stores cookies on servers in the United States and agree not to share it with others, except where necessary for system operation or when required by the law to this purpose. According to Google they do not store your IP address. Google Inc. is a company attached to the Safe Harbor Agreement ensures that all data transferred will be treated with a level of protection according to European standards. You can find detailed information on this subject on this link. For information on using Google gives the cookies we attach this other link. 

For any questions or concerns about this cookies policy do not hesitate to contact us through the contact section. 
